The term "Western music" includes music genre originating in the Western world (including Europe), the music is distinct from the East or the Middle East. In short, Western music, for the most part, is built on major scales, minor and pentatonic.
There is abundant use of octaves, fourths, fifths e. Music from the East or the Middle East uses a wider range of scales, including the construction of five tones (instead of seven) and quarter-tones (instead ofSemitones). These differences, although not understood by the lay person to go a long way in creating music that is distinctly different and unique to each culture.
Japanese Rock Band
Music from different countries and ethnic groups are dramatically different. Latin music, for example, is for the use of a variety of percussion instruments including congas, claves, timbales and hand percussion known. This music, which are often used for dance is lively, very rhythmic, and often dramatically. Mexican music had on the other hand,often a mariachi band of guitar, bass, violin and horn trumpets as it is.
Surprisingly different, the music in Japan is often called on interesting tools with intriguing names, such as the shamisen, taiko drums and shakuhachi flute, which is made from bamboo played. The music is very meditative and is often used for ceremonies and the identification of some steps in life. Hawaiian music is very simple in rhythm and melody, and played a distinctive sound of the ukulele andGuitars. Played "Slack Key" guitar, finger-picking style with unusual moods, which began in Hawaii in 1960 and is still heard today. Music from Israel is a mix of music by Jewish tradition and Jewish. You also hear a mixture of folk and Jewish klezmer music.
The United States, a relatively young country, and that is practically all ethnic groups has made for himself a music - jazz - and it is derived. You can listen to New Orleans and Dixieland swingincisive blues nightclubs in Chicago. The United States is the birthplace of both Rock and Roll and Country music, both its beginnings to share with folk music (which some insist, has its origins in Europe).
The term "world music" is often used to describe a wide and varied collection of music and musicians. There are many world music festivals throughout the year with the musicians and their support staff to travel thousands of miles to a unique spectacle. MusicMagazines like "Songlines" is to world music with each copy of a CD devoted to music from around the world.
Music from a particular culture (or country) is often played by instruments which are traditionally affected and readily available. For example, Irish music is deeply rooted in the violin, where the Spanish music, much of the guitar and his versatility.
What is World Music?
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